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ted fenton 9:46 Tue Aug 9
The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
WTF !!!!!!

The traditional reading of the top flight, football league and Scottish results on BBC Radio goes back decades.

Fans returning to their cars or heading home on the train from matches have been able to listen to the results service on the radio since the 1950s.

But stunned footie supporters were surprised to find no reading of the results on the 5 Live Sports Report programme, the world's longest-running sports radio show.

Following a backlash, the BBC confirmed that since they have acquired the rights to broadcast Saturday evening Premier League matches on 5 Live, they have shaken up the schedule.
A spokesperson for the broadcaster said: "With the addition of the 5.30pm live Premier League match to our coverage, Sports Report has been condensed into a shorter programme.

"We will still offer a comprehensive goal service throughout the day on air and on the BBC Sport website as well as Final Score on BBC One.

"We would like to thank everyone who has read the classified football results on 5 Live over the years."

The announcement sparked outrage from football fans who have spent years looking out for the classified results.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

El Scorchio 2:28 Sat Aug 13
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
Fantastic stuff and good luck to her! Hope she makes it. Must be a real feel good factor around the club at the moment. Be nice to see her in a WHU shirt one day I’m sure, but that’s sadly a bit of a huge step down from Arsenal the way the women’s game is.

Long Lost 2:04 Sat Aug 13
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
Cheers Scorch. Who knows? Played games for England u17s last season and been called up for the next camp but she’s level headed to know not many make it. She’s been training with the Arsenal first team the last few weeks and loves Jonas. Apparently he’s just like on tv. Really friendly and full of encouragement.

Just got to keep her head down put the effort in and keep improving and see what happens

Kaiser Zoso 1:28 Sat Aug 13
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
FMOB wrong thread

Kaiser Zoso 1:26 Sat Aug 13
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
One Salman Rushdie

Sung at Nayim, after we’d sung Nayim is a P*ki

Lost 0-3, Lineker hat trick

One of the biggest and longest running punch ups at their place.

Those days are well and truly over

El Scorchio 1:22 Sat Aug 13
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
Could be. Maybe it’s a ‘fashion’ thing as well but it’s just bizarre.

On another note I wish your daughter all the best with her career! Great to hear. Do you think she can become a WSL player? She’s in a pretty good place. That Swedish bloke who coaches the first team seems to know his onions.

Long Lost 1:03 Sat Aug 13
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
Scorch. I think part of it’s a generational thing. My daughter wears different kits from all over Europe all the time including PSG, Bayern Munich etc , plays for Arsenal u21s but she supports West Ham and has had a season ticket since Upton Park. She sees nothing wrong in wearing the other kits but is very vocal in her support for West Ham in person and on her social media. She gets stick from Arsenal fans on social media, she has thousands of followers at 17; crazy!, who don’t understand why she still supports West Ham while playing for a ‘big’ club. I don’t get the wearing of other teams’ kits but I don’t get a lot of things my kids do either.

cholo 5:41 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
It's the end of an era that everyone had forgotten about.

Sven Roeder 5:17 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
The licence fee was £3.8bn & commercial income £1.5bn in the last BBC accounts
£5.2bn of that went on creating content .... they do have a lot of tv channels, radio stations , websites & apps

Licence fee IS outdated. Should just be funded out of general taxation. At a lower level obviously
I'd not be in favour of advert breaks but a lot of programmes like EastEnders and all the dancing, singing & cooking tosh should be sponsored. Strictly Ballroom , brought to you by BLOTTO TAMPONS.

Mike Oxsaw 4:39 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
Can you imagine how long the Classifieds would last if they included every game THEY deemed more important that the (mens) Scottish 2nd division?

Be 8 o'clock before they even got to the Championship results.

only1billybonds 4:26 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
Given the BBC's pushing of womens football,would it be ridiculous to suggest that seeing as there isnt a full results service for the ladies game,ending the classifieds is a way of evening the two up a little?

Not saying this is the case but it wouldnt come as a shock,given the direction in which the BBC is going.

GreenStreetPlayer 4:14 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
Appears the BBC are quite keen to discontinue a number of things now and give either money saving or technology as to the reasons why.

Their license fee is archaic, and other forms of revenue raising for TV companies have been proved to work.

BBC studios, a separate entity from the BBC itself apparently brought in £1.7 billion from older BBC shows it sold across the world.

But we are being told to continue the fee paying which equates to something like £3.5 billion.

Just where is all this money going, and it’s not just Gary Lineker.

El Scorchio 3:40 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
I'd argue context is almost always extremely useful if presented with no agenda. The fact we can't action something that happened years ago isn't really an issue at least for me, but I find it far more informative to have 'It's going to be cold today, in fact the coldest day since January 1998', than just 'It's going to be cold today.' Personal preference I guess but that just gives a bigger and better picture, makes it more interesting in a wider context and just states an unbiased and non agenda led fact.

I agree that you don't have to appendix it or use it as a means to subjectively comment on it by saying 'for the love of god don't go outside or you'll all die and end up like Jack Nicholson in the Shining. Global climate, big industry, politics blah blah blah.' and nor should it be the job of someone who is just reporting data. People who are interested can make their own minds up as far at that's all concerned.

On the 1976 point- it's very true that people of a certain age and obviously both you and I knew it was extremely hot in the summer of '76, but a lot of younger people won't have known that until a few weeks ago. I don't know your age so perhaps you know from living through it. I wasn't born then so I only know from similar information when we had hot days when I was a kid.

I think the info and context is good, but piggybacking on it, whatever your point of view, to put forward an agenda, less so.

Mike Oxsaw 3:26 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
Context is always important"...

Usefulness is always more important than context, which can appear as a subtext or even a separate subject.

Nobody can do a thing about what happened 25 years ago to improve their current situation; better spend the time what they can do today rather than what people did or didn't do 25 years ago.

I already KNOW is was hot in 1976; reminding me is a waste of time, and for those that don't know, or, it's not an important enough part of THEIR life to always think about it, it's an even bigger waste of time (& BBC money).

El Scorchio 2:58 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
Mike Oxsaw 1:59

Actually I disagree with that. Context is always important. However, I think HOW they are presenting the context is a different issue and whether you agree with what they are doing or not. That's maybe more of the sticking point for a lot of people.

Lee Trundle 2:58 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
comma will be in tears reading all these criticisms people have for the BBC.

El Scorchio 2:56 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
Yeah, Sky and the BBC are awful. If you watch SSN it's so heavily weighted towards Man U. What did Ten Hag have for breakfast? What was in Ronaldo's bins? How many times has the tea lady been for a shit this week? It's just wallpaper coverage of that one club for the sake of it, even if nothing newsworthy is happening. Most worryingly, it puts in kids and weak minded people's heads that Man U ARE the news, so it's no wonder people just start following them like sheep.

Same on the BBC's website. There are routinely three or four Man U and Liverpool stories on the front page which basically say absolutely nothing. I'm sick to the back teeth of multiple fluff articles about Erik Ten Fucking Hag ever since he was even speculated to join them. Same with Rangnick who was all of a sudden 'the godfather of German football, master of the gegenpress, the best coach you've never heard of, Klopp said he was good once'. What a load of shit he turned out to be.

It's just content for the sake of it for simple minded people who think there are only two football clubs in the country. Absolutely strangling the life out of the game. I can see in 20 years time, kids will only want to support one of those two teams, PSG, Juventus, Real or Barcelona due to how much they are rammed down everyone's throats constantly. I hate seeing so many kids and teenagers wearing fucking PSG shirts out and about. It's glory supporting taken to an even greater level where not content with supporting a team from a part of the country you've no connection with, you go as far as supporting a team from completely different country where they've never even probably been.

WHU(Exeter) 2:56 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
comma, whilst that might be true of the weather forecasts, it hasn't stopped them stating that these hot summers are here to stay and will be the norm in some of their other output.

I think the last 3 or 4 snippets on or programmes about gardening I've seen in the last few weeks have all come with the warning along the lines of these summers are here to stay now and that we will *have to* change the way we all garden and what plants we now choose.

Alternatively though you could just wait and see what happens next year...

JayeMPee 2:11 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
Pity Sky doesn't do the same with the Transfer Centre! Watched yesterday and the first 20 minutes+ was about manu with smart asses expressing personal views on next to nothing. This was followed by two blokes racing through each club and all they could say about West Ham was that Vlasic had left, waste of time.

Mike Oxsaw 1:59 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
In a weather forecast, people don't need to know it's the hottest day since blah, blah, blah.

They just need to know it's hot and if they plan to get their kit off, use an adequate sunscreen and stay in the shade during the hottest part of the day.

How hot it was 25 years ago is fucking irrelevant and offers listeners/readers/viewers no value whatsoever when it comes to dealing with today's/tomorrow's heat.

, 1:48 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
shank, do you know the difference between scaremongering and simply giving people information to help look after themselves and others?

Gary Strodders shank 10:17 Fri Aug 12
Re: The BBC has marked the end of an era by discontinuing its classified football results service on 5 Live
The football results, Shipping forecast and lottery results are probably the only three things that you can be believe are factually true when listening ro the BBC these days
They even use the weather forecast as an excuse to scaremonger these days.
Some so called public service broadcaster..

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